Support Your VC

Be a part of this…

The Volunteer Center serves 180 nonprofits through partnerships with over 200 businesses and many local schools and colleges in the Brown County area. The Volunteer Center mobilizes volunteers to address community needs through programs such as:

Community Volunteer Program – Join over 10,000 volunteers who take time each year to make someone’s life better!

Reading Coaches for Kids – Dedicated, caring volunteers provide consistency and educational support by working individually with students during the school day in K-5 classrooms throughout Brown County, helping them improve their reading skills.

Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) – In 2021, rebounding after COVID closures, 135 RSVP volunteers contributed 17,781 hours to our community!
You can help support the programs listed above by making a donation to your local Volunteer Center. Join today in making a difference in the community!



Volunteer Center of Brown County
984 9th Street
Green Bay, WI 54304


(920) 429-9445


We’d like to thank you for your continued support of your Volunteer Center of Brown County. Your gift is greatly appreciated and allows us to pursue our mission of creating a stronger community by engaging volunteers to support nonprofit partners.


Matt Hohner

Matt Hohner
Executive Director
Volunteer Center of Brown County